Saturday, April 30, 2011

Birthday treats

Noah had a whole plan for how to spend his birthday: no school, Swedish pancakes, playing, more playing, Laser Maze with his family, MYO at the Wharf, KFC take out - extra crispy drumsticks, thank you very much - and cake at home. Since it was his birthday, he was granted all these wishes. We headed down town before dinner for some Laser Maze and all four of us got a chance to see how limber and fast we were in getting to the back of the room without tripping the laser. Noah finished less than 1 second from making it on the board, but was happy to leave as there was MYO in his future. Normally, we talk about portion control at MYO as it is self serve and there are over 60 different kinds of topping that quickly negates any of the benefits of eating yogurt, but since it was Noah's birthday he was allowed to get any size he wanted, and he wanted a Silas size MYO, ie large and with lots of toppings. In conversation with the cashier, we found out that MYO is free on your birthday! Lucky for us as Noah's bowl was LARGE and FULL. He even tried his teeth on a chocolate malt ball, making him look more like a chipmunk than a newly minted 8 year old. We then headed to KFC for take out and back home for movie and chicken, before it was time for cake.

The cake was a Swedish traditional birthday cake with Noah touches - chocolate layer cake, Nutella and whip cream between the layers along with almond caramel spread, and topped off with chocolate caramel and whip cream. Instead of wimpy birthday candles, we found a large Eiffel tower candle to light up in honor of Noah. (Mamma forgot to buy birthday candles...shhhh)  It was very chocolate-chocolatey he said the next morning as he had a second piece for breakfast.

Noah conceded at the end of the evening that it was a bit much.. food that is... but a great birthday!

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1 comment:

Marlika said...

Glad he enjoyed his birthday. I have never had a cake like that before. Will be trying it soon thanks for sharing.