Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A lot of work...

After a long day of school on Wednesday, we headed to the beach with our friends for some exploring. The sun that had shone all day suddenly disappeared behind fog and the temperature dropped more than a few degrees, but it did not stop the exploration.
The boys had in mind to 'help' the rain water run off drain into the ocean, all that was in the way was just a small sand bank - about 20 feet wide and a scant 6 feet tall... no big deal.  First they all had to cross the river run off to the other side, and since the easy way is no challenge, they set out to build a bridge across. It was more like a balance beam than a bridge, but most of us got over without any major trouble, only Mamma slid, rolled and got dunked and therefore choose the easy but a bit longer route to the site in mind, with the skirt dripping and the shoes sloshing...

This is the sand bank they were attempting to cut

The immensity of the project did not seem to face the crew who quickly set off to dig with bare hands. Only the setting of the sun, and a cold wet Mamma stood in the way of completing the task. However, they had fun in the process, and that is all that counts. 

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