Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Science Friday - best part of school

Fridays are special school days for us. Noah has a music lesson which gets us off to a good start, and we then spend the rest of our school day doing science. Not reading text books, memorizing formulas, not filling in the blank work sheets or crunching numbers on a calculator, we really DO science.
Currently the topic of learning is energy - potential and kinetic to be exact.
We made simple pendulums and quickly moved up to multipart pendulums to learn about chaos and randomness - patterns that cannot be described by simple formulas.
The kids constructed a simple toy to see the impact on kinetic and potential energy - the can rolled one way would always return much like a boomerang. The trickiest part was to get our almost grown up hands inside the cans to attach the rubber bands. A young boy visiting later on found this simply toy most amusing.
Finally, we headed outside for some mess play. Dropping balls of various mass from the same distance into cornstarch to see what kind of pattern and how big of a splash each made. The giggles, the laughs, the white knees were all testaments to the fun, and there was still learning going on!

When Bob got home he was greeted by a fire hose of information about the science learning of the day, that is how Mamma knows there is some learning in the fun.

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