Saturday, August 4, 2012

Computer techie

For some time now,  Lukas has exercised his patience muscle in waiting for his computer to load a page, or execute a command. This was something that could be overlooked when waiting for a simple programs to run, however he is now spending a fair amount of time building his library of apps as he is now an official Google App developer.  The snail pace speed of his laptop stretched his patience muscle to the max. It was time to upgrade the computer.
Lukas was so excited when we told him there was a new computer on its way and he tracked its progress through the UPS system daily - maybe even memorizing the route it took from factory to Monterey.  He was told he could not open the new computer until his work area was cleared away and this incentive spoke his language and the desk was pristine in no time, and not a minute too soon as the door bell rang and a large box was left outside the door.

After unpacking the computer, Lukas set out to hook up and refine his computer, as I his Mamma looked on in sheer terror, having absolutely no clue to what he was doing and if what he was doing was appropriate. A few YouTube sessions and a call to the Help Desk Superb - Bob - and he is up and running on his new system.  Now he is ready to develop apps and more apps.

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