Monday, December 17, 2012

House decorating

One of the Christmas traditions that I (Mamma) grew up with was making and decorating ginger bread houses. I remember my father and our next door neighbor rolling out the ginger bread dough and cutting out sides, roofs, doors and eaves - and once the house was put together it was time to decorate or rather cover it in candy.
The boys were just babies when we continued the tradition and almost every year, we have managed to cover houses in candy, some years with more success than others. This year, a good friend of ours invited us over to decorate Ginger Bread house with her family - we found a kindred spirit. Well, a spirit we can aspire towards, as she joyfully baked and assembled half a dozen houses in preparation for the gathering - no store bought pre-baked like we have used in years past.
The boys had so much fun and their personalities shine through a bit in their decor. Noah added a fence and Lukas added a sandbox.
It did not take long however before the nice decor began to deteriorate, amazingly and suspiciously pieces are disappearing at the oddest of hour, and the houses are threatening to collapse under structural weakening due to direct assault on the siding.. Maybe Lukas' surveillance camera could be rigged up to catch the culprit in the action....


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