Monday, December 3, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

It is an interesting thing, this living outside of the US. Some of the events that take on a life of their own can pass by without barely a thought when overseas.  The fourth Thursday of November is just an ordinary day here in China, but it is a good reason to gather up a few Americans and celebrate. It is our first Thanksgiving without turkey. At $10 per pound and a toaster oven as our only means of cooking up a turkey, it was out of the question. However, we made a few other quintessential American holiday dishes such as mac'n'cheese, mashed potatoes, corn, and steamed broccoli with cheese. Lukas whipped up tasty rolls which we enjoyed with real butter, and for dessert, we served pecan squares with whip cream.  Some careful planning and farming out of the reheating of food allowed us to enjoy a warm meal with friends and family.

The bag of pecans revealed individual packages of nuts.

We found pecans!

When you do not have balsamic vinegar,cheap wine to the rescue

Marinated chicken breast cooked in our large toaster oven

Happy Thanksgiving!

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