Sunday, February 23, 2020

Happy Birthday, Bob!

Bob's birthday fell on a Sunday this year, and a snowy one. Lukas made Yorkshire pudding for breakfast.
After church, the three guys spent time devising a contraption for one of Bob's labs. It was a joy listening to the banter back and forth, the discussions, and the troubleshooting. The final product, made from things found around the house, is now at school for Bob's lab. 
No birthday, nor any Sunday is complete without a nap, so it is a given that Bob took a long nice nap.
Bob wanted to go out for dinner to celebrate his birthday, so we headed to Fat Olives for amazing Italian food. Lukas and Noah got some new topping ideas for the Friday homemade pizzas and lamented the lack of a pizza oven at home.
Bob managed to blow out his candles and enjoyed opening his gifts from near and far. All in all, it was an enjoyable day celebrating an amazing husband, a fantastic father, and a great man.

Some gifts were wrapped in birthday paper others were not

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