Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I think watching cooking shows while eating runs in the family. Noah has a few favorites that he watches while enjoying his break from school work. Most recently, he watched someone make croissants and of course had to take up the challenge.
The first order of business, get European butter. After consulting several cookbooks and other websites, it was determined that European butter was worth the additional expense and hunt.
Noah scanned a few different recipes, watched a couple more shows, and was then ready to make his own batch.
Since this was a three-day affair, the timing had to be right for the proper day for such a delectable breakfast. On second thought, every day during Covid-10 is a good day for croissants, so Noah set the dough without further delay.
Combining, turning, rolling out, folding, rolling out, folding - that was the routine for the next two days. Noah began to doubt the recipe, the instructions, and the workload, what this recipe truly worth all this trouble?
The croissants could barely cool before consumed - and before lunch, every one of these rather large delicacies was gone. Yes, it was worth the trouble. Yes, Noah now is ready to do it again. Yes, he will make a few adjustments.

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