Saturday, August 22, 2020


The backyard was in dire need of attention when we moved into this house. Bob and Noah laid out a vision and a plan for how to make it habitable and enjoyable. After the drawings were complete, we talked about goals and desires - low maintenance, xeriscape, relaxing, colorful, and hospitable. These goals dictated the next steps of weeding, clearing out, putting down paths, nurturing existing plants, building boxes and benches, and more weeding and rock hauling. Internet research, asking friends, and reading garden catalogs and we were ready to buy plants. Some made it and flourished, others are limping along, and some withered up and died. We have spent time outside relaxing and it is now a Covid friendly gathering place for friends. 

Our backyard is in many ways an analogy for our lives - plans, goals, and actions. The plan remains the same, the goals are adjusted along the way, and the actions - well, sometimes they are right on, and sometimes they need to be realigned. Life is organic. 

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