Monday, November 9, 2020

Family Gatherings

 While I was in Sweden, I had the opportunity to participate in celebrating Mattias birthday. His gift from his US relatives? Reeses Pieces Cereal. 

We enjoyed delicious food and delightful conversation. I learned that some of my siblings like the same penny candy as I do - it was survival of the fittest to get into the bowl for the last one. 

On Sunday, all four of us siblings and many of the cousins gathered for a traditional Sunday dinner on Parkvagen. Mor and I enjoyed the preparations of food and setting the tables for this special evening.  She even added a cousin photo to the table, one taken many years ago. After dinner, the cousins posed in the same configuaration on the sofa for a group photo. A careful observer would notice that there are a few missing faces but also a few new ones - time does not stand still. 


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