Monday, August 12, 2013


Before we moved from Monterey, we sold the boys' beds. Those beds had been with us through many moves, and had metamorphosed several times - most recently being no legs beds resting on book cases to create loft beds.
The boys have spent some time designing, dreaming, creating and revising their dream bed room set ups within the confines of this house, especially the low and slanted ceilings upstairs.
A trip to IKEA for some parts, which of course were not in stock, serious calculations and layout drawings and a trip to Lowe's that made me wonder if Bob had set up residence right there in the lumber aisle, and the projects were off to a great start.
Since Noah's bed was deemed a bit less complicated and we had all parts, his came first. Lukas and Noah are learning first hand how much planning and thinking work goes in to making almost anything, and that even a seemingly simple design takes a lot of work to execute. Their patience muscle was stretched and exercised well this weekend.  At times, the ratio of chiefs to Indians a bit skewed, as Bob labored hard while the boys observed or even enjoyed a captivating book in a new comfortable chair. Bob earned many a jewels for his Dad crown this weekend.

brushing of saw dust

Very proud and happy owner of his new bed

Come Sunday evening, Noah fell asleep in his new red bed, and Lukas decided to bed down underneath Noah's bed for a change in scenery. They are still getting used to their own rooms, and it is good to see them enjoying and welcoming each other in.
This week, Bob and the boys will continue to construct Lukas' master piece, a marvel of wood, pillars, shelves and casters, and lest not forget mattress :-) There was a lot of learning and education that took place this weekend, and none of it involved Mamma drilling, work sheets or computers.

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