Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

It seems it was only yesterday that we welcomed 2014 and here we are on the threshold of 2015. We moved once again, although within the same state and pretty much the same area. The new house provides ample space for the many projects that the boys dream up in their spare time. Lukas has his own domain, an electronics lab, and Noah rules over a large Lego building area, both anchored by a downstairs kitchen where popcorn and other treats are concocted at all different hours.

Our blog details our travels, travails, joys and sorrows over the last year - the most significant change is the loss of Tom, a fantastic father, perfect pappy and fabulous father-in-law. Our lives are bit dimmer without Tom's ever present smile and cheerful attitude.

Christina's father is not letting cancer get him down and celebrated his 80 birthday in style surrounded by family and friends from both near and far.

Lukas is about to tower over his father and this may be the year that Christina will take on the role as shorty in the family.

Both boys continue to thrive in their education,  exploring areas of interests as varied as Ham radio, electronics, robotics, tinkering, wood working, Lego, Scouting, art, gardening, reading and music. It is a wonder they ever get any "real" school done, there are so many other things to occupy our time.

As the year draw to a close, we are grateful for friends near and far, for family spread out yet able to gather for significant events, and most importantly for the most amazing gift of all:  God sending His one and only Son to earth. We rejoice in His birth at this time of year. May God richly bless each one of you this new year, may You sense His presence clearly and draw strength and comfort from His loving arms.

Merry Christmas from our house to your!
Bob, Christina, Lukas and Noah

The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy. Ps 126:3

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