Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Camping musts

No camping trip is complete without s'mores roasted over the fire. The children kept eating, smearing and roasting until all the chocolate was gone.
Breakfast outside, cooked on a camping stove, taste better than any five star restaurant.

Lukas was thrilled to discover that the pancakes came from Bisquick mix.

There were many opportunities to pull out all kinds of cool gadgets - like sharp knives that were used to fashion boats out of twigs and leaves.

Bugs are also a 'must' albeit usually an unwanted 'must' at camping. These lady bugs sat in flocks on all the benches at the little outdoor chapel where Bob, Noah and Lukas conducted our Sunday service before we had to pack up and head back home. I do not think I have ever seen that many ladybugs in one spot, and this is just one of the probably ten groups we saw. Another 'new' to add to our experiences in California.
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