Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Learning at the Tech

The boys got a chance to navigate and direct a small underwater ROV. After our recent visit to MBARI, this was one of the highlights of this museum - at MBARI they saw the ROVs in action, and here they got to try to drive one!
All four enjoyed the bob sledding experience and moved and swayed with the movements and speed depicted on screen, less aware of the static nation of their sled.
Noah quickly realized how hard it is to race in a wheelchair and since he is blessed with fully functioning legs, and a competitive spirit, he jumped out of the chair and began moving the wheel with both hands. Maybe it gave him a greater appreciation for someone who does not have the opportunity.
Noah also got to see first hand what a robot can do, spell his name. After reading the explanation he was a bit less impressed, the robot really could not read, but rather knew exactly where each block was placed around the moving arm and therefore could pick up and line up the letter as typed on the screen. Understanding the limitations of machines is a great learning experience.

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