Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Easter

Easter Sunday was a great day for the Severinghaus' family. As church greeters we were 'assigned' the 11:30 service, meaning a slow, leisurely morning complete with raspberry rolls and Easter basket candy. Lukas and Noah even had time to decorate some eggs before we all donned our finest and headed to church.
Although the boys are older, they are not too old for an egg hunt. Four boys all armed with their nicest Easter basket - aka Safeway bags, or Lucky bags - set out to look for brightly colored plastic eggs filled with jelly beans. The squeals of delight, the fun chasing and amused parents eying eggs that are blatantly overlooked made for a fun hunt, albeit quick, the entire loot was 30 eggs.

Our friends stayed for dinner and we had a wonderful time celebrating the Risen Lord, fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ and the many blessings God has poured out over us.

Only after the fact, did I realize that we never captured the beautiful Easter basket filled to the brim with chocolate and treats provided by Grammy and Pappy. The Easter basket is so large it does not even fit into a plastic bin!  And the treats were delicious, thank you Grammy and Pappy!

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