Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Day of School

There are a lot of advantages of educating at home.. however, there is not quite the same excitement about back to school as it would be if everyone headed off someplace. There is no need for a back pack since all the books are in a cabinet right by our table, and even if the boys would enjoy clothes shopping, there is no need for new clothes, well maybe a few new pjs as it seems to be our school uniform of choice most days. It is hard to celebrate back to school, when school continues all year around as learning does not stop because the calendar says July.
However, some of our outside activities do start up again and that can be and should be celebrated. Our first day of Classical Conversation could be one way to mark the New School Year. Bob posed us all on the front steps, cheese, one more time, cheese, Noah look at me, Christina, I cannot see your head behind Lukas.. and finally one last great picture. The point of the picture was to capture and remember this day, and of course add it to the blog... well, the picture is MIA. We have seen it, we know it exist, but it is playing a great game of hide and seek with us at the moment. Hence, when we find it, it will be added to this First Day of School entry.

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