Monday, April 29, 2013

Experiencing an earthquake in San Francisco

After a fun dinner, we headed towards the Wharf and the hotel. A quick rest was all that was needed and the boys were ready to get out again, this time on a quest for dessert. We ended up at Ghiradelli Square and the ice cream parlor. Initially, the sensible mammas ridiculed the extra ordinarily large ice cream called the Earthquake, but a couple of quick calculations and we realized that this seemingly gigantic ice cream would be a better buy for our group. The boys were giddy as they each got to order two different flavor ice creams and two sauces, for a total of 8 scopes of ice cream and 8 toppings plus whip cream.
It did not take long before the plate was empty, and yes the mammas helped a wee bit. As we stood up to leave, a lady who sat behind us smiled and said: "this made my day, I loved seeing the boys enjoy themselves."
So, we lived through an earthquake in SF and are still here to tell about it, although there is probably a bit more of us now that we packed all that ice cream in.

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