Saturday, May 25, 2013

News flash, Lukas!

This week, a kind ham radio operator donated coax cable to Lukas so that he could upgrade his antennae. Lukas quickly set out to construct a roof top antennae, then refined it, and refined it, and refined it. He was up and down the ladder and on and off the roof more in one afternoon than has has been the entire time we lived here.
As I was hanging out the laundry to dry, I was struck by the strange sound of horse hoofs, only to realize that it was the antennae and its construction that caused the interesting noise.
Lukas invested long hours on his antennae project, and has designed a pretty clever contraption - the only problem is, Lukas, we are moving! The truck comes in less than a week.... Not even the thought of having to take it down a short few days could curb his enthusiasm - oh, if one could bottle this energy and sell it...

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