Monday, August 12, 2013

Moving in

Almost exactly two months after the door was bolted shut on the trailer back in Monterey, Bob and the boys opened up the latches and began the LARGE job of unloading all our possession. Bob noted that the unloading was much faster than the loading as it all had to come off and apart from making sure nothing tumbled, there was no need to carefully think about in what order to carry off the boxes. We were fortunate to have fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, most whom had never met us and all who barely knew us to come and help us carry off the large pieces of furniture and unpack the many hundreds of boxes once inside our little house. All that help made the move in process smooth and a wonderful experience. Bob notion about how much easier it was to unload carried over into unpacking boxes, so much faster!

I only wish I had taken a few photos of the crew, and all the mayhem inside - now a scant week later it is a mere memory in our minds, and the only tangible evidence of the move in process are the many boxes still in our garage, waiting for freecycle friends to come by and haul away.

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