Thursday, October 31, 2013

Going fishing...

Although fishing is really big here in Michigan, we have not had a chance yet. This weekend offered an opportunity for a little different fishing, maybe in preparation for lake fishing?
The air vent heating and cooling Noah's room seemed to be very weak. and the boys set out to trouble shot to see if there was anything that could be done to get this room a bit warmer, otherwise Noah was at risk for turning into an icicle. 
The vent cover came off, and with the help of a mirror they soon discovered a large amount of debris in the air duct. Lukas happily engaged his security camera system, and dropped one of his cameras into the air duct to get a better view.  Noah set off to get fishing gear, locating rope, large hooks and even sticky tape to help secure a catch. A few hours later, and a small loot of random things, mostly pencils and stale cereal, they declared defeat. The large culprit, a board book, was wedged in tight and blocked almost all the air flow deep down. 
It is times like this that makes us grateful for being renters, and handed over the situation to the landlord for action.  It would take another five-six hours, cutting holes in duct work, stretching and reaching, pulling and pushing before the book was dislodged, along with a few Matchbox cars and assorted other items. Clearly large gaping holes make good target practice for tossing :-)

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