Monday, June 9, 2014


Ever since Lukas obtained his first ham radio license, he has been pining to attend one of the larger ham-ventions. One happen to be within driving distance of us, so on a Friday Bob and Lukas set out at the first light of dawn for a ham radio adventure. Lukas had done extensive research on radios, antennas, what to buy, right price and what he needed versus what he wanted. He was set, armed with facts and data and cash in hand. Bob took the opportunity to take the ham radio license test as it may come in handy for his quad copter work, and Lukas happily quizzed him all the way to the ham-vention.
Many long hours later, they returned home. Bob now an official ham radio operator and Lukas the proud owner of a new fancy radio. Mission accomplished!
The next morning, Lukas crawled out of bed even earlier, to set up his radio and begin the work on setting up his radio.

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