Tuesday, September 16, 2014

First flight!

Bob and Lukas have put together a quad copter and it was finally time for its first flight. There had been a few previous attempts, teaching lessons in patience and gaining appreciation for the complexity involved. At the very last minute, something would not work well and it was back to the drawing board. Lukas has had ample practice in trouble shooting, careful and methodical checking and re-checking, and posting on message boards. Every evening, he has new and exciting news for Bob, and being ever so hopeful that this most recent fix would be the one that was needed to get it flying. So it was with trepidation that we all gathered in the basement, to see if the motors would engage and the copter lift. And it was at least a partial success, all motors engaged, and the copter was airborne for a short period time. Back to the drawing board and more trouble shooting. This is character building for our impatient young engineer in the making.

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