Saturday, February 7, 2015


For those who follow our blog, and know our boys, their affinity for digging is well documented and equally well known. Ever since they were little, they would dig either in sand, snow,  or even dirt.  Noah could always be counted on to dig a deep hole and disappear, and Lukas would continue to dig tunnels and more tunnels to connect the various holes.

This weekend, the boys headed outside for some vitamin D. The piles of snow are pretty tall, and rather dense, and it did not take long before they had planned out a new set of tunnels and holes. They have since spent hours digging, carving, shoring up and hollowing out the piles of snow in our front yard - wonder when they are tackling the ones in the back?

Noah invited Mama and Dad to come out and experience the serenity and peacefulness inside his snow tunnel cave, it is it really soothing and such a good stress reliever he told us. Has he stumbled on the latest in stress relief?

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