Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Who says exercise doesn't pay off?

On Sunday afternoon, the temperature finally climbed into double digits again. We have three weeks to get in shape for our fun run in middle of March so it certainly seemed appropriate to take advantage of the 'balmy' weather and head out for a walk. The boys could think of many more interesting things to do than to walk with their parents but yielded to our request and off we went. We had not sooner turned the corner on our little street and we see someone wheeling a monster size TV to the curb. The boys eyes quickly brightened as they looked pleadingly at their dad ... and within minutes the three Severinghaus' guys were chatting casually with the TV owner. Yes, it was working, yes it was free, and yes the boys could have it! Their exercise walk quickly turned into a quest to wheel this large box around the corner on icy, snowy streets. It arrived safely back at the house, the only casualty one wheel that succumbed to one of the many potholes on our street.
We finally put the myth that exercise does not pay off to rest!

Taking it downstairs to the basement will almost certainly count as strength training :-)

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