Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Final Memory Master

Noah once again completed the requirements for Memory Master. He memorized all the states and capitals in the US along with many additional geographical features, all our Presidents, 161 events in a chronological timeline, 24 sentences about mainly US history, 8 parts of the human body and the first 12 elements of the periodic table, latin rules and John 1:1-7 in both English and Latin, a bunch of English grammar; and all the multiplications tables to 15 along with squares, cubes, conversions between the 'more superior' metric system and the US system and basic math law. All in all, it was over 400 pieces of information that he was able to retain, repeat and recite four times without a mistake.
This was not Noah's first Memory Master, but it was his last. He has several t-shirts commemorating his past accomplishment and seemed pretty cavalier about this one. Maybe Mama was taking it harder, no more Foundations and Essentials students in the SILL Academy.
Well done Noah!

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