Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Shopping the Import Store

On Saturday morning, Lukas and Christina headed to the import store. It is akin to a Costco, selling housewares, alcohol, fresh produce, frozen meats, and large containers of dry goods. It is interesting to note the vast and varied selection of items from all across the globe. We even managed to find a juice with an ingredients list in Swedish!  With a small fridge, we need to be prudent with our purchases. Lukas wants to make pizza, so we spent 'all' our money on a block of cheese and a large pepperoni like sausage. Christina would have never dreamed of spending this much money on orange cheese but when in China it was necessary to satisfy the craving.

I am not sure what this happy young man is selling - I am thinking it is laundry detergent :-)
Frozen Lotus 

Large bags of frozen chestnuts

US Corn

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