Friday, June 5, 2020

Schnebly Hill Encore

Awhile back, we rode down Schnebly Hill in our Honda. It was a slow, treacherous ride with lots of careful contemplation to find the right track through the rocky path.  The pictures can be found in our April 2018 blog.
Noah has for a long time been talking about his desire to bike down Schnebly Hill - still a rocky path, but not as challenging on a bike as in the car.  Christina happily dropped the three guys off at the top of Schnebly Hill, turned around, and used the highway to get to Sedona so that she could meet them at the bottom -nobody was up for biking up the hill. A bit of research indicated that the biking down would take about three hours, about half the time it took us to drive down. However, these three made it down in half the time with at least two long stops! It was a good thing I was not lingering in the stores...

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