Wednesday, July 15, 2020

It is All About Perspective

Pre Covid gifts and Covid gifts are vastly different. Before this pandemic, nobody would even consider toilet paper, yeast, or hand sanitizer an appropriate gift, it was an essential and each household purchase what was needed. Proper gifts were chocolate, wines, flowers, books, or baskets of gourmet food, or for special friends, a box of Noah's croissants or Lukas' bagels.
Covid season brings a whole new set of fitting gifts - a coveted bottle of hand sanitizer or a bottle of Clorox spray clean are all of a sudden met with immense gratitude.
This week, we experienced pure bliss when stumbling upon three bags of bread flour - something the stores in town have been out of for a long time and can no longer be purchased on the internet for less than a mortgage payment.
It is all about perspective - new rules for gift-giving, one more effect of Covid.

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